Fruit Acid and Couperose – Do They Go Together?
Absolutely! Learn why fruit acids are a highly recommended treatment for Couperose and how they can benefit your skin.
What is Couperose?
Couperose is a skin condition associated with connective tissue weakness. Symptoms include burning, itching, and tightness, eventually progressing to visible red veins and thickened skin. In advanced stages, it may develop into rosacea.
How is Couperose Treated?
Laser therapy is often considered the most effective treatment, involving the sealing and closing of blood vessels. However, this is usually costly. An excellent alternative, particularly in the early stages, is fruit acid treatment.
How Does a Fruit Acid Peel Work for Couperose?
While fruit acids may not seem ideal for sensitive Couperose skin, they are highly effective when used correctly. They stimulate metabolic processes like collagen and elastin synthesis, which strengthen connective tissue and reduce redness and swelling.
How Often Should You Use a Fruit Acid Peel?
For best results, use the fruit acid peel every two weeks over at least four months.
Fruit acid for Couperose is not a no-go but a highly recommended treatment! Contact us today for your personalized Couperose treatment plan.
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